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Balancing Cannabis and a Productive Lifestyle

Tracking an individual's progress toward their goals or aspirations is the proper definition of being productive. Consistency and avoiding time-wasting activities are characteristics of productivity.

Morning & Nightly routines

keep things simple and add more organization to one's life. For some in the cannabis world, it's the “wake and bake” motto to get them going for the day. Or the joint at the end of a long day to relax for bed. Completing daily and weekly tasks promptly, based on your own or others' deadlines, is a defining characteristic of a "go-getter." One can find the perfect dosage of cannabis to make tasks easier, whether by smoking or consuming edibles. Use it as a tool during the day to get more done, while at night, it is a relaxer and reward. But remember that weed could be a double-edged sword in that too much can lead to undesired outcomes such as high naps, distractedness, getting sidetracked easily, or confusion.

Ways to experience cannabis’ effects while being productive

However, cannabis doesn't constitute being counterproductive when you let the effects overtake your willpower to use it as a tool to complete a task rather than a way to relax or escape. Ways to use the psychoactive effects of weed come in many different shapes and sizes—truly dependent on the individual. The ultimate goal is to avoid overdoing it, which can lead to the opposite outcome of being a productive tool. Here are some ways to use cannabis to stay productive during the workday.

Low-dose edibles have a long and constant high while easily manageable throughout the day. No smell goes along with it, perfect for a nonsmoking environment.

“One-hitter boxes,” “dugouts,” and “batty boxes” are all different names for the same thing, a small box that has a compartment for a "one-hitter" and a more expansive space for ground-up marijuana. The idea is to push the weed end of the “one-hitter” into the cannabis to produce one “hit.” Repeat the action until you achieve the desired results, and practice for better control of the scent. Great for quick on-the-go, chaining together at the desk, or out walking.

Dab Pens are easily concealable and have less of a smell risk. Getting high quickly with less wax can lead to higher costs in the long run as the product is overall more costly as tolerance builds.

Joint Cases are repurposed old-school cigarette cases used to

house a multitude of prerolled joints or blunts. They are easily sharable, although the smell is an issue with some employment or work environments. Use it as a traditional smoke break to get in a better mood for the work ahead of you. The recommended dosage of each joint or blunt should be between 0.75 grams and 1.5 grams for the most balanced results.

Pros & Cons

Pros can be a more relaxed or calm work day while being productive. Work is more enjoyable due to the intangibles of focusing on the work that interests you, whether it be doing inventory, writing a paper, or getting into a groove while serving at a restaurant. It can produce a better work environment for those around you, as long as they don’t mind your experience under the influence of cannabis. Many under the influence of marijuana become more relaxed and tolerant of situations that may inconvenience them, which is all-around valuable in a workspace that requires teamwork.

Cons are that excessive cannabis consumption can lead to a "weed coma" or impaired ability to perform tasks effectively. Which often results in falling asleep from overconsumption in this matter. The smell can lead to conflicts with those around you if you’re unfamiliar with how to mitigate the smell. One can easily get distracted if not focused on a task or disciplined enough to stay focused despite being under the influence of marijuana. The amount of cannabis consumed may fluctuate due to increases and decreases in tolerance build-up, which may lead to more spending on weed.

Understanding the value of Moderation

Over-reliance on cannabis's psychoactive effects can lead to unsustainable high tolerances without moderation. Practicing moderation involves refraining from excessive or extreme behavior or consumption. Do so in a reasonable and nonexcessive way, meaning consuming what is necessary without the urge to do more than needed.


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